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The Application Form and end-of-campaign Proof of Use build giver trust. Givers want to know their donations make a difference. As important, these forms capture data. Over time, this data can yield insights about the movement as a whole while preserving neighbor anonymity and dignity.

Establishing the mini pantry movement as a tactic for food insecurity mitigation will require data. Please provide a thoughtful response to every data field.



Only some Application fields are giver facing. The more compelling these are, the more gifts you'll receive!


Image of Application title of your campaign field

After launch, TITLE OF YOUR CAMPAIGN will look like this. 

Image of title of your campaign as it appears on

Your photo upload and expiration date are also giver facing, so choose a fantastic photo and an expiration date that will convey the urgency of your neighbors' need.

Givers also see your DESCRIPTION HEADLINE and A. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROJECT. This is your elevator pitch. 
Make the giver want to be part of your work. We won't cut you off at 3 sentences, but be concise.

image of application description headline and tell us about your campaign fields

After launch, DESCRIPTION HEADLINE and A. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROJECT! will look like this.

image of description headline and tell us about your campaign as it appears on