Gift handling


Payment processor

Pantry Gift Inc. uses Stripe to securely process your gifts. Optional gifts to us will help us cover credit card processing cost,
2.2% + $0.30. 

If campaign does not fully fund

If a campaign does not fully fund, we disburse monies given. If a steward creates a campaign for $500 to purchase peanut butter and jelly and the campaign expires having raised $250, PantryGift sends the steward $250. That's a lot of sandwiches! 

If campaign fully funds, exceeding goal

We monitor campaigns and pause or end them as necessary, including upon full funding or expiration, whichever comes first. We disburse monies given in excess of goal amount prior to pausing or ending a fully funded campaign.

How gifts are disbursed

We mail a check in the amount of gifts given within 5 business days of the date we pause or end campaigns due to full funding or expiration, whichever comes first.